With the aim to accelerate the development of new value chains in the blue economy, GALATEA is implementing an innovation support scheme
Challenges will be developed from the four main axes
In cooperation with the main stakeholders and end-users of the maritime sector, the more critical needs of the industry will be detected. The most recurring needs will be developed as challenges adapted to SMEs and shaped into the GALATEA service offer.
SMEs will be placed at the heart of the ideation process
SMEs from across Europe will be gathered in order to support them in jointly developing solutions to the proposed challenges. Four innovation clubs (one per main axis), mixing remote and physical interactions will be organised. The objective will be to allow SMEs and other innovation actors with common interests or with complementary technologies to discuss about the type of solutions that can be developed.
GALATEA will supervise the matchmaking of European SMEs in order to create cross-sectorial and cross-border partnerships
After each innovation club, remote and physical B2B meetings will be organised to allow further discussions around proposed solutions, in a more private environment.
GALATEA will support SMEs through an innovation support scheme
Calls for proposal will be launched to offer to SMEs various support covering a large spectre of Technological Readiness Level (TRL), giving the opportunity to SMEs with different stages of development to have access to a financial support and/or cluster service.