GALATEA is implementing a 5-steps methodology towards the support of SMEs and allowing for the redistribution of at least 75% of the budget directly to SMEs.:
Challenge emergence: End-users identified in the 6 domains of interest are involved to list and analyse their actual needs and challenges;
Projects emergence: Innovative actors will be gathered during several events in order to favour project ideas and to give the opportunity to meet and share;
Innovation support: Open calls for proposal and for services will be launched to select SMEs offering a solution to the identified needs. They will get up to 60 000 € for the development of their solution and/or a coaching service offered by clusters partners;
Monitoring and evaluation: Funded project will be monitored and evaluate by the clusters partners to measure their impact;
Projects sustainability: GALATEA partners will ensure the sustainability of the funded project by investigating the possible next steps for the granted SMEs.